Returns policy.

Vykon has 30-day return policy. The returnee is responsible for shipping costs back to the factory.

Items must be placed back into its original packing, being the Vykon outer box and ALL internal packing in place and the products wrapped in the same exact way it was received. The product must still be in new condition, unused and not damaged in any way at all.

A 15% restocking fee applies, if the products are returned damaged in any way, no funds will be returned. Vykon does not accept returns on special orders.

The onus is on the purchaser to have the Vykon product shipped back to the factory using a traceable method for the customer to track and confirm it has been delivered signed for at the factory.

31 Kwartsiet Street
South Africa

The Box and paper work must be clearly marked by indication the system is for return purposes with a value of ZAR100 for customs purposes only.

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